Example Diocese

Synod: For a Synodal Church

Example Diocese

More than just a Survey

Easy to Set Up
Your survey on the left already has sections & questions reflecting the Synod.
Easy to Customise
You can change the questions and the way you gather people`s responses.
A balance of quantitative & qualitative answers giving both statistics & context.
Listening & Understand
Collect & view results on parish, school & diocesan levels.
Reach Everyone
Place the survey on every parish & school website to give the opportunity to everyone.
Provide discussion Topics for Schools & parishes to prompt group conversations.
Group Responses
People can meet & provide group responses to reflect all views & people.
Everything in one Place
All responses are in one place, both online surveys & group discussions.
Optional School/Diocese publications to encourage people to engage with the Synod.
We have kept the cost as low as possible to ensure you have the very best support.
Communications Legacy
Ongoing facilities to help the Synod become the beginning of a conversation.
Next Step
We can everything ready in 2 days - click here to find out what to do next.

To make things as easy for you as possible, your survey is actually already set up and showing on the left of the screen. Feel free to try it out! To start click on the "Start with a Prayer" button at the bottom. You will see there are 10 sections each with its own questions reflecting the topics to be focused on in the Synod.

Although there are sections and questions in the survey as a starting point, you will want to adapt them to meet your needs, your culture and your own Diocese. You also choose from various response options from a text box to multiple choice, or a range of feelings from Agree to Disagree. The survey can also be viewed in different sizes - click on the buttons on the top right to see the Tablet and PC views.

With the variety of options available in the way you ask people for their response, you are able to collect answers that can feed straight into statistics and graphs, or you can ask for opinions allowing people a certain amount of text to express their opinion.

The survey should enable you to gather and listen to the views of those people who wouldn't feel comfortable expressing their view in a public meeting. Being able to look at results and graphs by parish, school, age group will help you understand the results.

The survey can be added to any website with just a couple of lines of programming to ensure it reaches as many people as possible. The survey will look as if it is within each website - in exactly the same way it does on the left.

The survey can be used as a tool to help guide school & parish discussions. You can provide conversation topics and questions to help steer the conversation in the right direction to cover all the issues.

If groups are meeting to discuss the questions raised by the survey, whether in parishes, schools or elsewhere you can provide a group survey which allows the co-ordinator of the discussion to add in responses that reflect the number of people and all of their views.

Enable groups to record varying responses & conversations from everyone in one survey form: keeping all of your responses in one place. Ensuring you can produce statistics and collate the information without leaving anyone out.

We publish many monthly Diocesan Publications which are a great way to promote and communicate new projects through the Diocese. We also publish a quarterly Catholic newspaper called Reach which goes to schools, half of the paper is for the pupils and half is for their parents. It is also supported with classroom resources, discussions and activities. We could provide an edition for the Synod to help teachers discuss the options and to encourage parent to engage with the Synod. This may help reach out to those on the margins of the Church.

We also provide an online facility where parishes/schools can upload their newsletters, and it will add them to their website and email them or send them by SMS to all their subscribers. This is a solution, not just for the pandemic, but also for better communication between parishes and parishioners. And it allows Dioceses to communicate with parishioners. It would also enable future survey to be carried out easily.

We want to ensure all Dioceses can use our system no matter how big or small. Therefore, we have priced it on a per parish and per school basis. The cost will vary slightly from country to country but as an example, it would cost approximately $15/€12/£10 per parish and $10/€8/£7 per school in the Diocese

The survey is set up for you already, we just need to customise it to make it exactly what you want. Do get in touch with us so we can discuss it. If you want to go ahead, we can talk you through the whole process and have everything ready in days.

In association with Catholic Directory | Church Paper | Church Newsletter | Catholic Post